Dr Mark Velangi

Consultant Paediatric Haematologist and Lead for Haemoglobinopathy

Having graduated from the University of Edinburgh Medical School in 1991, I completed my Specialist Haematology training in Newcastle and Birmingham and joined the Consultant team at Birmingham Children’s Hospital in February 2006.

My three main areas of work cover malignant haematology (mainly acute leukaemia), red cell disorders (mainly sickle cell disease and thalassaemia) and laboratory haematology and I am involved in clinical research in these areas. I am currently the Paediatric Clinical Lead for the West Midlands Haemoglobinopathy Co-ordinating Centre, member of the National Haemoglobinopathy Panel and paediatric deputy Lead for the Haemoglobinopathy National Peer Review programme

My previous roles include being the Clinical Lead for Haematology, Trust Lead Cancer Clinician and also the Chair of the West Midlands Children’s Cancer Network.


0121 333 9844

Related services

Professional interests

  • Leukaemia
  • Haemoglobinopathy